Environmental protection and the code of corporate governance
Environmental protection
Chemolak Inc. is actively involved in business programs of chemical and pharmaceutical industry called Responsible Care, which aim is continuous improvement of environmental care, health and work safety of employees in the production, handling, storage, transport and use of chemical substances. This program is in many aspects identical with the environmental management system according to EN ISO 14001, but Responsible Care is greatly expanded by agenda which addresses health and safety in work. Program Responsible Care is coordinated byorganization CEFIC and ZCHFP SR. In 2011 a control audit by TÜV NORD Slovakia, Ltd.was conducted. Audit confirmed compliance with the principles of SEM in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001: 2004 and extended validity period of certificate up for 2013.
Environmental impacts are regularly monitored and public is also informed about results of monitoring. Dialogue and cooperation with public, non-governmental organizations, state and local government bodies are supported in CHEMOLAK Company. The aim is to minimize adverse impacts on the environment and thereby contribute in improvement of the living conditions of the population near the company's headquarters.
These efforts are supported by implementation of investment and non-investment actions such as reconstruction of a wastewater treatment plant, a waste solvent storage facility, a Sussmeyer distillation plant, a controlled discharge system from synthetic resin production and many others. In the field of greening of the product range, the activities of the company research are focused mainly on reducing the content of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the solvent types of paints and the development of water-soluble types of paints.