
white interior wall paint — matt


White interior wall paint ALBA PURA is modern, ecological, waterbased paint intended for interior wall coatings. It is used for different types of walls, plaster, mattd masonry, plasterboard, decorative materials, tapestries and various joinery elements. It creates a white, smooth and deeply matt finish. The paint is characterized by the excellent covering abilities, high whiteness, good wear-off resistance when it is dry and superb application properties.

Thinner: water
Informative coverage rate: 9 – 13 m²/l
(The covarage rate is given in one layer, delivered state, without dilution. The coverage rate depends on the type and absorbency of the coated surface and the application method.)
Drying: max.: 1 h, repaint: 3 hours                                                                                                                                                                                           Whiteness: 91% BaSO4

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  • excellent covering properties
  • high natural whiteness
  • superb spreading
  • high steam-permeable
  • qualitty components



2 + 1 kg
7 + 1 kg
13 + 2 kg                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        16 + 4 kg


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