S 2000 B

primer for high-pressure spraying — matt


is used as an anticorrosive primer for metal surfaces (except of light metals: aluminum etc.) under alkyd coatings. It is characteristic by excellent anticorrosive protection of steel constructions. Thanks to dispersing fineness the primer is suitable for high-pressure application.

Thinner: Synred S 6006, S 6001(for spraying)
Informative coverage rate: 9 – 11 m²/kg, resp. 13 – 15 m2/l at thickness 30 – 35 µm dry paint
Drying: touch dry: 3h, repaint: 8 h


Stores Calculate the amount
icon wood
icon interior
icon exterior
icon metal
icon brush
icon roller
icon spray-painting
  • economic solution for industrial applications
  • good corrosion protection of metal surfaces
  • excellent adhesion to various materials (excluding light metals)
  • ensures perfect adhesion of the coating system to the base layer
  • also suitable for high pressure spraying

28 kg,
container 600 kg                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1000 kg

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